Environmental Sustainability
Our beef is produced using sustainable practices, reducing emissions, and creating biomass energy to naturally fuel our communities.
We have adopted a circular economy approach whereby energy and carbon cycles are intertwined to deliver net zero Wagyu beef production.
Our beef is kinder to the environment and more sustainable than mainstream and other Wagyu beef production systems. In our circular economy approach, all by-product from our animals (farm-yard manure and slurry) is fed into an anaerobic digestion system whereby this product is fermented to produce methane gas which, in turn, is used to produce electricity and heat.
Kingsbury Wagyu has its own biomass plants and this energy is used to fuel homes and businesses within local communities, delivering Net Zero carbon Wagyu beef production.
Kingsbury Wagyu has developed a process to deliver better management of nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, improving nitrogen use efficiency, soil health, and biodiversity, as well as reducing methane production.
Our production system enables the age at slaughter to be reduced to 20 months, whilst at the same time enhancing meat quality. Research indicates that reducing the age at slaughter by only three months has a marked impact on all emissions, with a reduction in the carbon footprint of 12.4%, which will have a huge impact on the overall carbon footprint within Kingsbury Wagyu’s supply chain
Striving for perfection, one precise cut at a time.
Our meat shines as the star attraction, never failing to impress.